Yea, I'm still here in the world of blogging. Thanks to everyone who actually visited the site and responded- it's great to hear from people I've known for years but have somewhat lost contact with. I must say that it seems like some people do spend a lot of time blogging and surfing and everything else associated with a screen and keys - what do they do for a living? I guess I can see how it would be addicting.
Hey, people have been telling me to say hi to Diane - I'm going to post some pics in a later post but she has the camera with her at work that has the recent ones on it. In the meantime, here's one of the kids.
I told you that it was only fair for me to have equal time with Keith's blog. Let me explain this: Keith is the Liberty "geek" and has his laptop with him just about for every trip. He also is the first to take Royce's camera and any other camera that he can get hold of and download all of the pictures from the evening. He then makes his selections very carefully (meaning he takes the worst of us and the best of him) and posts them to his blog. So, one of my missions with this site is to show you that Keith has been biased (to make him look good) and I need to unashamedly share the whole truth! This picture is one from this last weekend in LaPine, OR and he is doing his normal, stage enhancing performance of some song. This is Keith at his finest! My only regret is, I don't have a clearer picture to share with you. Rest assured, my quest for photos shall go on - it's my obligation! Maybe, just maybe someone out there has a picture or two from Keith's history that they could email to me - I would love to share them. My address is
Nice to know you are still here. This could prove to be fun being in competition with Keith. It'll keep him on his toes.
I love the picture of Courtney and Taylor - they are sure growing up fast!
Blessings, Shanna
Let the battle begin...
My response...
I have an absolutely great one, but you'll have to wait until after the weekend so I can load it onto a scanner (that doesn't belong to me--thus, the waiting)
It's gonna be good!
What do you mean "to make him look good"? He does look good - all the time :)!!!!!
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